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Friday, March 29, 2013

Feature and Follow #7: Emotional Scenes

It's Friday and here is another Feature and Follow. You know how it works; AlisonCan Read and Parajunkee are the hosts and every week they have a new question for us to answer.  It’s a way to meet new blogs and bloggers and socialize. :) In the links above you can learn how you can join too and everything there is to  know. 
So, go grab the button and start meeting new people!!!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Writing full time

Oh, I’d love to be a full time writer. You feel me, right?  Make my living writing though, is just a dream. The funny thing is that I am currently writing full time with just a small difference…  I don’t make any money. Where’s the harm, right? Well, there is harm because I have to live too, but I’ll put that aside for now.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Criticism: Beautifully Different

I said that I’ll come back with more on criticism, didn’t I? Here I am with the second post on criticism. My journey to accepting people's' opinions and learn to improve myself, continues now…

Joining a critique group and receiving the first critiques on my work, was really interesting, as I described you the other day

As the days passed by and I got more critiques I noticed something. Not something new, but something I knew it was true. 
Seeing it, though, is quite different than knowing it. I saw how different people are.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Feature anf Follow #6: Guilty pleasures

It's Friday and here is another Feature and Follow. You know how it works; AlisonCan Read and Parajunkee are the hosts and every week they have a new question for us to answer.  It’s a way to meet new blogs and bloggers and socialize. :) In the links above you can learn how you can join too and everything there is to  know. 
So, go grab the button and start meeting new people!!!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Write Good or Die

It’s been a while, since I wrote about a book, but now I found the one! As a new writer, I am trying to improve my writing and so I was exciting when I found a book titled, “Write Good or Die” by Scott Nicholson.  I’m telling you… this book is amazing.

Here is the description:
Survival tips for 21st century writers, from best-selling authors Kevin J. Anderson, M.J. Rose, Heather Graham, J.A. Konrath, Gayle Lynds, Alexandra Sokoloff, Jonathan Maberry, and more. How to develop your craft, improve your writing, get an agent, promote your work, embrace the digital age, and prepare yourself for the coming changes in the publishing industry. Edited by Scott Nicholson.

I will not give a review here, I’ll write one on Goodreads. In this post I want to share with you what I learned form that book. As you read on the description, the book is a collection of posts and articles and every author who participated, has some important info to share.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Criticism is good

Criticism. I’m sure that every one of you is familiar with it. It’s when we hear peoples’ thoughts about our outfit, behavior, lifestyle, or our manuscript. Whichever is the case, the fact is that criticism is never pleasant. But critiques are good and necessary for us in order to be improved. And that’s why we should treat criticism with respect and learn to earn from it. Critiques are gold and it’s time for us to understand it. 

Friday, March 15, 2013

Feature anf Follow #5: Reading spots

It's Friday and here is another Feature and Follow. You know how it works; AlisonCan Read and Parajunkee are the hosts and every week they have a new question for us to answer.  It’s a way to meet new blogs and bloggers and socialize. :) In the links above you can learn how you can join too and everything there is to know. 
So, go grab the button and start meeting new people!!!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Love Triangles, poll. What we learned?

The poll about love triangles in books, has ended and the results are here!!!

The important part is that the difference between those who don’t bother reading about love triangles and those who just had enough, is only 4 votes. I know that it’s only a small sample, but we can learn something from it. And here is what I learned.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Feature HOOK

Well, some say the week starts on Sunday, so I am starting the week with a feature. Today’s feature is a special one because I have actually read this book! I liked it a lot and the most important is that after I read it, it was in my mind for a while. It made me think about life and relationships and that’s what makes a book special. Even though it wasn’t the kind I would easily choose, I recommend you to read it because it is a different book and really worth reading. So, I am in the happy place to present you…HOOK! Here is what you need to know.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Feature and Follow #4: Likes and Dislikes in books

It's Friday and here is another Feature and Follow. You know how it works; AlisonCan Read and Parajunkee are the hosts and every week they have a new question for us to answer.  It’s a way to meet new blogs and bloggers and socialize. :) In the links above you can learn how you can join too and everything there is to know. If you haven't join already, I totally recommend it. Now it's time for the new question!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

GUEST POST:Independent Author - An Oxymoron by Richard Stephenson

Today I am in the happy place to host a Guest Post by Richard Stephenson, author of the dystopian thriller, COLLAPSE. I hope you will enjoy the post as much as I did. It is very interesting, especially if you are an indie author. I find this really helpful and it gave me a ray of hope, that with some help and tons of work, we can really make self-publishing work.

“Independent Author
That phrase for me is the textbook definition of an oxymoron, like "Act Naturally" or "Jumbo Shrimp".  I understand that the term was coined to mean independent of the Big Six publishing houses.  The meaning of the term should stop right there and should never be used in any other sense.

I started writing "Collapse" back in March.  I wasn't even sure I was going to write a novel when I sat down in front of my iMac.  I just wanted to see if I could do it.  I spit out a few chapters and eventually made an outline.  I let my wife and best friend read it and they were impressed.  They encouraged me to keep writing and told me I had talent.  After the first seven chapters I was excited to get the word out and decided to release a sneak peek.  I dumped each chapter into an online grammar check website and made a lot of corrections thinking it was polished and ready for distribution.
Holy cow was I wrong!” READ MORE

Monday, March 4, 2013

Indie Crisis

Well, I think the title is more than fitting. I am having an indie crisis and I am sure that many of you understand me completely. Being a writer is hard and especially for new writers, it is even harder. Every beginning has its own difficulties but with time and work we develop, and progress is what makes us stronger, better, what is leading our way step by step.

Indie authors, I think, we are in a more complex situation because we are alone. I am referring to writers, just like myself, who are doing everything alone. We don’t have a professional editor, we don’t have any author assistance, we don’t have a professional to design our book’s cover. We are alone! I don’t know if there are others like me, I guess there are, but you can’t imagine how hard it is!  

Friday, March 1, 2013

Feature and Follow #3: Blogger Sins

Fridays seems to come too fast these days and time flies. So, here is another Feature and Follow. You know how it works; AlisonCan Read and Parajunkee are the hosts and every week they have a new question for us to answer.  It’s a way to meet new blogs and bloggers and socialize. :) In the links above you can learn how you can join too and everything there is to know.