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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Year, new ferris wheel

This is it. Another year is ending and all I can think of is that I want more days here in France. Two days have left before I have to go back home and I want to make them count. But before I do, I have to rewind and recount the year that passed by.

2014 was an interesting year with many ups and downs but what this year taught me is that the change can come. It's like a ferris wheel that' spinning round and round and you may feel dizzy, you'll probably throw up a little and your head will certainly pound like the war hammer, but you must not give in. Just wait, let it pass, breathe in deeply and don't lose your faith. When the world stop spinning and the sound dies down, you'll know that the change is here.

It may be quiet for a while, too quiet to your liking, even a little irritating but hang on a little longer. It's all about patience, work and hope. Do you feel a funny tingle? Does your heart jumping without obvious reason?

Well, get ready because what comes next is the beginning of the change.
Be prepared though because you've just stepped on a new path and another ferris wheel is waiting down the corner.

So, today I'm saying goodbye to 2014 a little wiser (and older but who cares!) because during that year I learned to embrace the change, not fully but still, and managed to make my wheel to slow down a bit so now I can see the world spinning around and I freaking enjoy it.

Cheers to 2015. A new year, a new challenge and a new ferris wheel!
Let it come!

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas Trip

It's Christmas!

Oh, how much I love this time of year. Every year at this very day I think of snow, firs, Christmas trees and presents. I love seeing people in red clothes and I do wear my red scarf, because it's Christmas!

And it smells like Christmas too. You know that chocolate aroma that makes you wanna eat and drink chocolate and other delicious and unhealthy stuff. I love the chilly air on my skin, and I smile, seeing peoples’ red noses from the cold.

This year though I'll be travelling in Christmas day. Actually I'm leaving in couple hours, heading to Grenoble in France! Yep, some of you know about my trip there last summer and this is where I'm going again, to meet my sis and get so cold, but hey, there will be hot wine. She promised!

It's the first time I'll be abroad for Christmas and New Year's Eve and I'm thrilled. Even if I won't reach at my sis's home until late at night, it doesn't matter. We'll have about half an hour before midnight so I’ll spend half an hour of Christmas at her home.

So, I've packed my woolen clothes, gloves and hats, charged my Kobo and I'm ready to go!

I wish you a beautiful day. May this day find you happy, smiling with lots of food in your belly, wine and lots of love! But hey, don’t forget to laugh out loud people … it's Christmas!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Lullaby by Amanda Hocking


So, I read book number 2. Lullaby, what a great title, right? Given what I read in book 1 I pictured the sea shining under the moonlight and a beautiful song sounding from the pit of the world, like magic, calling people to its trap.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

On Writing: Grasp the inspiration

I found time for writing this weekend since I really really needed it. Not that I managed to write as much as I’d love to, but it was enough to start that fire again. To feel the beauty of the world that awaits me, to reconnect with the characters that are too anxious to tell their story, but mostly I managed to think about the story again.

It’s very important for me to have the story in my mind, but when I say story, I don’t mean I have to have all the answers. Hell no. It’s just enough to have in mind the next chapter or the beginning of a chapter, even the ending will do. I’ll be content even if I only have the slightest idea of where the story is heading. That is enough to make me write and while I write everything can change. But first I’ll have to start somewhere.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Books being books

Have you ever felt that a book sounds too much like a book? 

I mean, have you ever felt like you're inside the author's mind while he tries to create that book? As if somehow you can see him sit in front of the PC, squeezing out the words. Imagining him taping the keyboards, while his mind is racing, as he tries to connect the dots of the story he is writing. Have you ever felt that?

Well, this is not good.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Wake - Watersong series

A book about mermaids, sirens and beautiful and compelling characters is always an intrigued one. When I read the synopsis, I knew one or two things would be kind of standard. The song, the blood-sucking and the bossy attitude around people.

The truth is that I was very curious to see if the author would have some surprises for us. Something to make the book stick to our heads and maybe even gasp. And I did gasp, but for the wrong reasons.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

On Writing: Bursting out of you

So, here I am reading a chapter from the story I'm currently writing. It's that dark one with the almost crazy MC who refused to tell me her name even if I had written 30K words! Stubborn one, I'm telling you. But it worth the waiting. I give her that!

Anyway, as I keep reading one chapter after the other, I start seeing a pattern. Not about the story or the plot, but about the simple stuff, the details of the story. You know, a second character's appearance, parts of the stories they share, or the starting theme of a chapter. Those little things that maybe at first seem detached but as the story goes on they fall into place. I didn't notice it until this moment but those parts were more than random choices.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Lord of the Flies

Books are stories, a way to mentally travel to a new world where the rules you know just seize to exist, or being replaced by new and many times strange ones. But there are also books that makes you shiver without even trying to bend the rules. Because sometimes a story brutally realistic is far more interesting and terrifying.

Such a book is The Lord of the Flies.

I wanted to read this book not only because it’s a classic, but I was dying to see what a bunch of boys can do once they’re left alone. As William Golding had said: “Wouldn’t it be a good idea to write a story about some boys on an island, showing how they would really behave, being boys and not little saints as they usually are in children’s books.”

And yes, it would be a damn good story so since he wrote it, I had no choice but to read it.