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Friday, January 11, 2013

Liebster Blog Award

Here I am sitting by the fire and trying to study for exams but I just don’t have it today. So, I get online and I see a mail that someone has left a comment on my blog. I read it and I smile. Riza Ponciano has left me a message saying that she has nominated me for the Liebster Blog Award and I quickly open her blog to read more about it.

Liebster Blog Award is given to upcoming bloggers that have less than 200 followers and the purpose is to get to know them since we think that they disserve it. The word “Liebster” is German and means favorite. So here I am nominated for the “favorite blog award” meaning the Liebster Blog Award. Thanks a lot Riza for giving me this opportunity!! Thanks!!!!!!!!!

In order to accept and participate there are some steps.
  1. Tell 11 things about yourself.
  2. Answer 11 questions from the blogger who nominated you.
  3. Post 11 questions for those who will be nominated by you.
  4.  Nominate 11 bloggers who have less than 200 followers.
  5. Get in contact with those 11 bloggers in order to inform them that you nominated them.
Well, that’s it! Easy and simple and starting with number 1, here are 11 things about me. 

11 things about me. 
  1. I am a writer. I was creating my stories since I was a child and last year I decided to share it with people and try to publish my own books.
  2. I have written two novels and now I am in the process of editing DAZED, which is my first one and an adventure/crime novel, so I can publish it within February. (I hope.)
  3. I have also self-published a short story titled THE ANGEL OF CHRISTMAS and you can find it at Amazon. It’s a story for all ages and I hope you like it.
  4. I love reading books and by love, I mean I really really love it. I like reading different kinds of books and different writers. Just give me a book and I am happy!
  5. I like to read my books slowly because that way I have the time to enjoy it better.
  6. I created my blog where I write about writing, books and other things that cross my mind while I am creating my own stories.
  7. The aim of my blog is to connect with other writers and readers, to share thoughts and advices and help each other as much as we can.
  8. I can be inspired to write by every single thing. A noise, a picture or even a smell may be enough to start writing a story.
  9. I love coffee and chocolate.
  10.  I watch all kinds of series like Dexter and Game of Thrones.
  11.  I wish one day my books to be known and loved by people because I would know that my stories fulfilled their goal which is to be read.
11 questions from Riza Ponciano.
  1. Do you think that blogging adds something to you as a person? Yes, of course it does. When you blog, you can express your feelings and thoughts in public and as hard as that might be in the beginning, it is good because you can communicate with other people who experience the same. That way you can help and be helped by others. 
  2. Which is your favorite book and why? Hmm…that is hard. I guess if I had to choose one, I would pick THE HOST by Stephenie Meyer. The reason I choose it, is because this book brought up to the surface feelings I didn’t know I had and it made me see the whole survival thing in a different aspect.
  3. What’s something you know you do differently than most people? Well, I know that my writing is something I do differently. As every writer, I have my own way of writing and thinking and creating my stories.
  4. Would you rather be a worried genius or a joyful simpleton? That’s a tricky one. I am neither a genius nor joyful simpleton but if I have to choose, I would prefer worried genius only for the reason that I am always worried about something and thinking and that’s how I am, so if that was combined with being a genius…I wouldn’t mind. :)
  5. Have you been the kind of friend you want as a friend? Yes, I always treat a friend the way I want to be treated, with respect, love, interest and many-many more.
  6. What is your greatest fear and has it ever come true? My greatest fear is not being able to do all the things I want in life. So I try and I will keep trying in order to prevent this from happening.
  7. Have you ever being with someone, said nothing and walked away feeling like you just had the best conversation ever? No. I don’t have experienced something like that but it sounds really good.
  8. If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so many things we don’t do? Well, being able to do all the things you love in life is the ideal but life isn’t perfect and so we have to deal with other things in order at one point to do what we love. Both are needed.
  9. If you would re-live your days 2 years from now, do you think you will remember what you did today? I would definitely remember that I was nominated for Liebster Blog Award because is something different and interesting and it is the first time I do this.
  10. Doing the right thing, or doing things right? I guess a mix of those two. I like things get done right but I want the right thing to happen too. 
  11. If there’s a word that would describe how you want this year to turn out, what is that word?  Successful.
My questions to other bloggers are…
  1. Why do you blog?
  2. Do you read other blogs and why?
  3. Which is your favorite book and why?
  4. What writing means for you?
  5. How do you spend you free time?
  6. What was your greatest moment for the year that passed?
  7. Which five words describe you best?
  8. What would you encourage other people to do?
  9. What would you change in your life if you could?
  10.  What advice you would give to a new writer?
  11.  If there’s a word that would describe how you want this year to turn out, what is that word? (I got this from Riza Ponciano.) 

And now it is time for my 11 nominees.

  1. From TheWriter’s Nest
  2. Bookwryming Thoughts
  3. The Journalof Ord
  4. FantasiaBooks 
  5. I am AVoracious Reader 
  6.  Immerse in a World of Fiction 
  7. The BlackDionysia 
  8. S.K SAINI 
  9. Books andCozy Afternoon Teas 
  10.  Scott Reads It 
  11.  TheCreative Forum 
To my nominees, if you participate please leave a comment with your link so I can see you answers. :) Good luck to all!! 


  1. Thanks for nominating me! My post's here :)

    1. I Read it..loved your answers and we agree on number 11. Of course..:)

  2. Thanks for nominating me! :) But I've already been nominated (just didn't get time to post yet, lol). :|

  3. Hi, Athina. Thanks for nominating me! My internet is slow but I'm getting on it right away.

    Thanks again!! :)

    1. As I said to you at my pleasure. I like being supportive as much as I can.

  4. Thanks so much for the nominations!!! Good luck to everyone as well! :)


  5. I will write up my answers soon in a blog post. :)


    Here is the link to your questions and my nominees and so forth. Thanks again! =D

    1. I read it and comment and I will check you inspirational tips.

    2. Brilliant, hope you enjoy it. :)

  7. Thanks so much, A. I feel very honored to have The Black Dionysia selected as one of your favorites. At the moment I've got a guest post to write for another blog, so once that is done I'll answer your list of questions and post them to you.

    1. I'm glad that people appreciated the nomination as much as I did when Riza Ponciano nominated me.I will wait to read your answers..:)

  8. Hi, Athina. I just posted on my blog:

    Thanks again! :)

  9. Thank you so much for nominating be! here's my answers:


  10. nice answers xD

    Join my first giveaway and win Thboxes accessories of your choice

    1. Sorry, I don't have a facebook account. If I got it right in order to join there are some things that I must do on FB right?

  11. Thank you for the nomination :) means so much! I got another one as well but I decided to answer both of your questions as they were different :D

    here's my answer:

    1. Read it and commented. Good luck and thanks for the comment. :)

  12. Hi A,

    I thank you very much for the nomination, but I've been nominated before and wouldn't feel right accepting again. I appreciate you thinking of me. :)
