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Thursday, August 28, 2014

Think Out Loud: Trust your gut instinct

This is Think out Loud. It’s a weekly meme created to help bloggers break out from the blogging bubble. The rules are simple. We post whatever we want and let people know what’s in our mind. Visit the creator on Thinks Books and join too. It’s so cool to share your random thoughts.

For about two weeks I’m fighting the need to finish my second YA book. It’s one of those feelings, were I know I need to wait just a little more. What am I waiting you would ask and it’s a fair question.

Well, I am waiting for it to be real.

Have you ever felt like this while writing? I know what is going to be, how it will end, but I just find it wrong to sit and write it all down. So I write it word by word, sentence by sentence and the more I write, the more it changes.

It’s like my characters are alive again, demanding things to go their way and whatever I write is just not good enough. I must write the story as it actually happened, as if this is not fantasy but real events.

It’s kind of scary in a beautiful way.

But I’ve learned to listen to my gut instinct and I do go where the story/characters lead me. Despite that I usually have some other plan.

I’m really curious to see where it’ll lead me this time.


  1. Glad the characters are speaking to you! Hope they lead you somewhere wonderful!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. I hope too! Thanks so much for stopping by!

  2. That's great news! I'm still waiting for mines to keep talking to me. But with so much stress from work I'm glad they left me be, but hopefully they don't leave me alone for too long.

    1. They will start talking again. They always do. And I'm sure after your amazing trip they won't keep their mouths shut!

  3. This used to happen to me frequently. I've become much more of a plotter, though, so things tend to stay as planned for me now! (Probably because I allow more time for my characters to speak up and change things during the plotting stage, haha.) Good luck finally reaching the end, however your characters choose for that to be!

    1. Being plotter is good, but once in a while you should let the gut instinct take the lead. It's so much fun!
      I finished it!!! I can't really believe it, but book 2 in this series is done. One more to go and I'll have a complete trilogy!

    2. Congrats on finishing it! That's awesome! Hope the third book goes well once you start writing it... :)

      As for me, plotting is kind of essential, since I write webcomics. I don't have the option of revising earlier strips if my characters decide to take things in unplanned directions, haha!

    3. Thanks! :) I hope too.

      True, it would be really difficult, so happy planning, Heather!:)
