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Thursday, October 3, 2013

Think Out Loud: Let it be

This is my first Think out Loud. It’s a weekly meme created to help bloggers break out from the blogging bubble. The rules are simple. We post whatever we want and let people know what’s in our mind. Visit the creator on Thinks Books and join too. It’s so cool to share your random thoughts.

It’s a beautiful rainy morning and I’m thinking about the world. A weird feeling has spread inside me and I squeeze my mind trying to indentify it. I feel like I’m cut out from the most people around me just because I happen not to think like them. They love one thing and I love the other, they think something is wise but I think the other. We are just different. So different that I feel like I am walking against a current which keeps getting fiercer and fiercer, making me soaked wet but I keep struggling to make it to the other side.

I won’t wonder what’s wrong with me or what’s wrong with the others because there is nothing wrong. We are just different. I don’t try to change them but they do try to change me a little. And there is some judging too. Well, I don’t do that and frankly I don’t like it. I like them the way they are, but I guess that’s how the world is working. At least my world.

I love drinking hot coffee curled up on the couch while I read a book on my e-reader. Why should I apologize? I love going drinking but I don’t want to go every night. Why is it weird?

I think out loud and I say: People are different. Move on already!  


  1. I loved reading this, Athina. I can really relate. I get that looming strange feeling when I'm most introverted. Then all I want is a well-lit cozy cave and a bag of books. And the judgmental stuff I totally get because everyone has an opinion of you when you have a kid. They look at their clothes, their behavior, sheesh, they even look to see if the kids look alike. "You can tell they have the same dad," I've heard more than once, which is a crazy thing to say to someone. You should silk screen a T-shirt "People are different. Move on already!" When you publish Dazed, I'll quote you on Goodreads.

    1. I'm glad you liked this. I finally joined this cool meme.
      I will definitely silk screen T-shirts and I'll send one to you too. :)

      Oh my... saying that about the kids is unexceptable. Why people have to be so mean sometimes?

      Glad to talk to you. Thanks for stopping by.

  2. Welcome to the Think Out Loud meme. Great post!

  3. Welcome to TOL! Great first post. I, on the other hand don't like to drink, beer and such, wine and champagne is fine, but I don't think that's a bad thing.

  4. I'm glad you joined too, Athina! This is a great post and one that I wish many would read. I think what you're feeling is probably felt by more people than you'd think. I'm glad you're so accepting of others. It seems lots of people could learn from your example. Thanks for sharing this.

  5. I can relate to this post so well, since I constantly feel disconnected from the rest of the world. Spending the day reading doesn't sound weird to me at all!
