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Thursday, March 19, 2015

Think Out Loud: Live

This is Think out Loud. It’s a weekly meme created to help bloggers break out from the blogging bubble. The rules are simple. We post whatever we want and let people know what’s in our mind. Visit the creator on Thinks Books and join too. It’s so cool to share your random thoughts.

It's the small things.

Always had been the small things but still we're unable to accept or even acknowledge it. Beauty hides in the small things but also does life. Don't wait for something to go off before you realize that life is what you live everyday not what you lived last year for four days or last month for a weekend. Yes, the trip to Belgium was amazing, the sight of La Tour Eiffel will never be forgotten but your life, is this, what you're living now, what you'll do after you read this post or what you did before.

What if you got up early and slept late, what if you were late at work, what if you forgot your charger and battery on your phone is running low, what if you could see only funny stories instead of murmurs and anger?

I don't know how these thoughts came to mind, one moment I was eating and the next I was swimming in a pool of thoughts so I had to let them out. 

What I'm thinking out loud today is this:
Don't wait for something to happen because it won't. You have to make it happen, life won't give you anything unless you claim it. So claim it. Don't wait for the right moment to do what you want. Do it now, try to do it now is still better than the lack of effort.

I won't say live your day like it is your last one, because it is too morbid and because that's not the point. Live your life like it's your first one because that's what celebrating life means.

And just remember: You only live in the present.


  1. Yes, although I'm being cautious at the moment and waiting for the right time to make my move, I absolutely agree with living your life to the fullest and take charge of it now.

    1. Thanks, Ki! And yes, cautious is good now and then. :)
      Have a great weekend!

  2. My version of living life is making art, LOL. I'm so exciting... XD

    1. Making art is a version of living, Heather and it's a damn good one!:)
